By: Jason
Dear my fellow American friends and family,
Happy 4th of July!
I hope between all the beer, BBQs, social gatherings and fireworks, you have a small moment to think about how lucky we are to have been born into, and be living in, a free and open country and society.
Most of the world is not that lucky -- the recent events in Egypt and Syria do much more to point that out. Having been recently to Cairo, and within a stone's throw of Syria, it becomes very real how essential it is to have your ideals, thoughts, feelings, and wishes be heard -- something we, as Americans, take for granted, but wasn't always that way. Lots of people died for our causes and wishes, and if they could see our country today, I think many of them would be proud (OK, maybe frustrated but still, proud!).
That is why this year July 4th feels a little more like Thanksgiving to me. Keep that in mind but do not forget to PARTY. I certainly will at the U.S. Ambassador's House in Tel-Aviv, should be interesting...
Happy 4th and enjoy summer!
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Fireworks in Tahrir Square (credit: |
The problem is after contacting my US representative three times without any type of non-form letter response has me hating the American political system. However, I still extremely happy we have America, "the land of the free and home of the brave." I just wish my hometown has a different US representative.